We need more women leaders in this world, and to get there, we need more women’s stories. This means more women finding the courage to step up to the plate and declare who they are — on LinkedIn, at dinner parties, and everywhere in between. When a woman declares who she is — who she really, truly is — it’s magnetic. It’s the most powerful way to open doors to the meaningful opportunities you seek, whether it’s a dream job, a thriving business, a speaking opportunity, or a book deal.

Please note: I use the term “women” to refer to all female-identifying people; I realize this is imperfect, but for now, it’s the most efficient solution I’ve found.

I’m here to help you find the words you need to tell the world who you are.

“It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be sorry for. It takes years to find your voice and your real estate.”


The world needs women’s stories

In Media

We need more media gatekeepers to invest in telling diverse, authentic women’s stories. More women’s stories on Netflix, in the New York Times, on bookshelves, etc.

Beyond traditional media outlets

But we can’t rely on gatekeepers. And we don’t have to. The Internet, for all its foibles, is still an inherently democratic medium. Anyone can publish their ideas and stories online. More women’s stories on LinkedIn and across all social networks, and more women’s websites (can’t give all our content away to third parties).

Reshaping culture

The Internet drives culture. So when we reshape the contents of the Internet, we reshape our culture. And our culture has ripple effects on our policies and institutions...and, ultimately, on our everyday lived experience and freedoms. More women sharing substantively and authentically on the Internet means more women’s influence on culture.

Overcoming our conditioning

Thousands of years of patriarchy in Western civilization have conditioned women not to speak up, and to be afraid of anything close to “self-promotion.” Research shows we would rather seem like less than we are. We must face this fear and begin taking up space with our voices and ideas, or we become complicit in perpetuating the patriarchal status quo. We can’t afford to leave power on the table.

Growing Women’s Leadership

Sharing our stories online is a form of leadership, one that begets more opportunities for women to lead — not just in the traditional sense of the word, as CEOs, business owners, and elected officials, but more holistically, as mothers, activists, artists, and more. . .

Creating a better world

When women exercise our power and share our stories, voices, and ideas online, we create a more just, compassionate, and sustainable world.It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

we’re on a mission to fill the world with women’s stories. are you ready to start telling yours?

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