Friday reflection

Rethinking "productive"

Warm greetings, everyone, from gray and snowy Brooklyn (no “real” snow, yet, but pretty flurries off and on all day…), where I’m wearing my “Mighty Forces pink” slippers and thoughts turn to a hot toddy…

On to this week’s quote and questions!

The quote

“What so often feels and looks like productivity and efficiency to us are often the very activities and habits that stunt our thinking.”

- Ezra Klein in this WONDERFUL episode of his podcast (if you prefer to read than to listen, SAME, and good news, there’s a transcript)

The questions

When do you have the thoughts you value most? What activities are you doing? What environment(s) are you in? Who are you with? What do you see, hear, feel, when have a thought that you treasure? (Let’s call them Treasured Thoughts ™️…)

Now, the moment of truth: Will you create more opportunities for having Treasured Thoughts ™️? What would that look like? When will you begin?

Wishing you a weekend filled with treasures…and hot toddies, if that’s your thing.

- Amanda


Friday reflection


Friday reflection