Friday reflection
Telling stories we care about
Hello dear readers,
When we tell our stories from a place of love, they are so much more powerful.
We are so much more powerful.
When the idea of posting to LinkedIn, for example, is feeling onerous, take a moment to call to mind who might benefit from what you share. Hold their image in your heart and pay attention to what arises. Write from that space.
You aren’t just “posting to LinkedIn.” You’re reaching out and connecting with other human beings. You’re using words to convey ideas, experiences, a vision for the world. You’re doing that because you care.
Your caring is what you’re sharing with us. “Sharing is caring” is a cheesy cliche, and it’s also true. It also helps you pass the sniff test: If people can’t feel that you care about what you post, then they’re less likely to care about it. (If you don’t care, why should I?)
Try the practice I mentioned above, of holding in your heart an image of someone who might benefit from what you post the next time you sit down to write something for LinkedIn. I’d love to hear how it goes.
Wishing you a wonderful end of the year. I’m planning to take the next couple of weeks off, so unless I feel an uncontrollable urge to write something here again during that time, it’ll likely be January when you hear from me next. I’m excited for another year exploring the themes of women, stories, and power together. I’m also excited about some new offerings I’ll be rolling out early in the new year, so stay tuned for that.
Now go drink some hot chocolate.
You are a mighty force -
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