Friday reflection

Unapologetic/ Amy Poehler

Greetings -

Those of you who know me personally and/or who have been following me online for a while know that I have…certain feelings… for Amy Poehler. Certain positive feelings, leaning towards worshipful. I may or may not have recently had yet another dream about meeting her. (At this point, when I tell my daughter, Ali, “I dreamed about Amy Poehler,” she rolls her eyes, sighs, and says, “AGAIN?!”)

Look, I can’t help it, we’re meant to be dear friends and collaborate on telling authentic women’s stories, what can I say. “She’s not as nice as you think,” people tell me, and I say, “Exactly.” I believe that, like me, she would appreciate the Etsy mug that proclaims, “Do no harm, but take no shit.”

I could go on.

Instead, I will share just one of several Amy Poehler quotes from my collection of favorites:

"It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you have been taught to be sorry about." - Amy Poehler

I ask you: What have you been taught to be sorry for?

Write that thing a letter telling you all the reasons you AREN’T sorry.

And while you’re at it, tell me: Who are you secretly or not so secretly sure you’re destined to be friends with?

Have a wonderful day,


Related reading:

Dear Amy Poehler (on Medium)

Talking to Betsy Stover about Being Mentored by Amy Poehler, Improvising Marriage, and Home Ec (on my old blog)


Friday reflection


Friday reflection