Friday reflection
The voices in your head
I want to hear about the voices in your head.
…specifically, the voices in your head, that tell you to use your voice.
Let me explain: I’m finishing up my book proposal, getting ready to pitch it to agents. (Whoo hoo! The amazing Brandi Larsen is my coach. I love her.) And Brandi told me to ask you,
What’s on your bookshelf that inspires you to use your voice?
Here’s the thing: This book is for ALL OF YOU, and the amazing women you know who, like you, are smart, and deep, and on a mission to improve people’s lives, in one way or another.
So, in my proposal, when I tell publishers what books my book would sit next to on a shelf in a bookstore… well, I need your help painting a picture of that shelf.
Thank you in advance for your responses. I really, really appreciate it.
Now, for this week’s reflection:
"We are all made of stories" neon sign
“I feel like we discover so much about ourselves in the telling of our stories.”- Jamia Wilson
Jamia —a feminist activist, writer, speaker, and podcaster — said this to me when I interviewed her last year, and I wanted to bring her words to your attention. Because too often, we think that telling our story is a destination: We figure it out, we tell it, we’re done. Next project. But in fact, it is by committing to the telling of our story that we continue to discover new parts of that story — and new parts of ourselves.
What if we savored telling our stories?
What if we let go of the rush to be done?
What if we got curious about what was going to happen next — about who we were going to be, next?
And what if we trusted that by taking the time to tell our stories, we were taking time to more fully be ourselves?
Give it a try.
Tell me how it goes.
And remember: You are a mighty force.