Friday reflection

2023 wrap-up

It’s almost time to call a wrap on 2023. I know this time of year brings up so many complicated feelings, and I hope you’re taking good care of yourself. How can you carve out even five more minutes every day to meditate, or journal, or crank up a feel-good anthem and bop around your bedroom?

I want to highly recommend an exercise Jordan does with his clients that allows you to quickly take stock of the year that was and reflect on what you want more and less of in 2024:

Jordan’s exercise: What stories are you telling yourself about your year?

Keeping with our year-end theme, I wanted to share a quick recap of the voices I shared here over the course of this year, in case you missed any of them, or want to go back and spend time with someone who particularly inspired you:

Ada Williams Prince

“…The look in someone’s eyes the moment they begin to recognize

their own power…that’s my fuel.”

Mirit Cohen

"Our experience of work isn’t about the perks we do or don’t receive, it’s about our emotional, psychological, and physical wellbeing as humans.”

Sofia Corcho

“No one will put me in a box.”

Jay Fields

“‘Embodiment’ means experiencing yourself and the world,

versus thinking about yourself and the world.”

Venu Gupta (and here’s part 2)

”I was part of this roving nerdy band of Indian kids in the suburbs.”

Aparna Nancherla

My own brain constantly toggles between managing my mental well-being and creative expression.”

Julia Armet

”In a society that's designed for the neurotypical, people who are not fitting into that box are going to feel like their heads are hitting a wall…”

Jimi Okubanjo

Many of my friends and colleagues didn't realize how bad it was for me, until this was a film, even though they were in my life when it was happening.”

Assembling this list had me going back and reengaging with each interview, and it felt like such a beautiful journey through the year that was; it was reminder of how many amazing women are all over this world with ideas and stories that more of us would so benefit from hearing. Thank you again to each of the women listed above, who took the time to contribute to our community.

Now I’d love to hear from YOU: What are you finding yourself curious about as we head into 2024?And who would you be interested in hearing from? I will do my best to channel your input into the content I create for you in the year ahead.

Remember, as always, that you are a mighty force.



Friday reflection


Friday reflection