Why women need better LinkedIn profiles

Having a strong LinkedIn profile — one that truly represents what you bring to the table and what you stand for — is a feminist act.

What if you reallocated 5% of your time each month to keep your LinkedIn presence up to date? (Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash)

Research shows that having a strong LinkedIn profile will help you achieve your professional goals. But other people can tell you that. What I’m here to tell you is that having a strong LinkedIn profile — one that truly represents what you bring to the table and what you stand for — is also a feminist act.

Look, ladies. I’m going to get real.

We earn less than our male counterparts, we face sexism and sexual harassment in the workplace, and we are woefully underrepresented in government, on corporate boards and in media. These are daunting, systemic problems that it will take years, maybe even generations, to change.

You may be wondering, “What does my LinkedIn profile possibly have to do with all this?”

The answer is that how you represent yourself in the world is something that it’s in your power to change today. And the easiest place to start is on LinkedIn.

Having a strong LinkedIn presence gives you the following advantages, to name a few:

  • More competitive: You become more competitive with the men in your field, getting the attention of more recruiters and potential customers, investors, and partners.

  • Better opportunities: The more your LinkedIn network understands about your abilities, accomplishments, and purpose, the more likely they are to share information and make introductions, opening up doors to opportunities that interest you.

  • Increased confidence: By having a profile that represents you in a powerful way, you build the confidence you need to pursue your dreams.

(Read How a new LinkedIn profile generated immediate results for Caitlin.)

Strengthening your LinkedIn presence is also a generous act, because it helps to change the face of your profession by influencing how many women come up in searches for people with a particular skill set or expertise. And it helps inspire young women by helping them learn about the career moves and pathways that other women followed before them.

So many of us give 110% to our employers and/or clients. What if you committed here and now to reallocating 5% of your time each month to maintaining a strong LinkedIn profile?

For your own sake, and for the sake of other women: It’s time to have a LinkedIn profile that makes you proud.

If you’re ready to improve your LinkedIn profile and want some expert support, I’d love to talk.

Amanda Hirsch

I help change makers and creative souls find the words and create the platform to show the world who they are. Because authenticity + agency = hope.


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