Even leaders fall apart — and that's ok
Leading at a time like this doesn't mean being perfect, keeping it all together, or never breaking down. It means showing up, fully human, for the people you serve.
Why you must share your ideas
If self-expression takes you outside your comfort zone, know that 1) you are not alone, and 2) every time you share an idea, you change the world.
Shift your mindset: Self-promotion = education
Instead of thinking of telling your story as bothering or assaulting people with “me! me! me!”, think of it as a chance to educate them about how you can help.
Why women must find the words to express who we really are
The more we have the language for expressing who we are, the easier it becomes to BE who we are.
Why women need better LinkedIn profiles
Having a strong LinkedIn profile — one that truly represents what you bring to the table and what you stand for — is a feminist act.
What's really going on underneath your aversion to self-promotion?
I'm on a crusade to de-ickify the word "sell" for women.
The power of reframing frustrating experiences as stories
The next time a colleague or family member says something that pushes your buttons, try saying to yourself, "What a great story this will make for later." It's amazing how this simple act of reframing can defuse a situation.
It's time to change the story we tell ourselves about success
When we run around like crazy, it isn't proof that we're extra-committed, or ambitious. And it is not the inevitable price of wanting a lot out of life. Instead, it is the inevitable result of not being clear on our priorities.
Don't let an asshole boss control your story
Why being known beyond the company you currently work for is the key to your power — and why telling your story is the key to being known.
Your story matters
Yes, telling your story can and will help you achieve your career and financial goals. But that's not the only reason you should tell your story. You should tell your story because it matters. And because the world needs more women's stories.