Friday reflection

Put down your phone

Hi everyone,

This is a reminder to be quiet. Which is a funny message from someone who is always encouraging women to speak up. But here’s the thing: If we never get quiet, we don’t know who we are, and we don’t know what we want to say.

Last night I resisted the instinct to pick up my phone (it was hard — Wordle beckoned! had anyone liked my latest LinkedIn post?!), and instead, I went into my front yard, sat under a tree, and meditated. It had been a LONG time. I paid attention to every sound. I felt the air.

I felt whole.

Resist the dopamine ping. Take yourself lovingly but firmly by the shoulders, and repeat after me: “Being on my phone is not my default way of being. I will get quiet. I will spend time in my own presence.”


“Don't try to comprehend with your mind. Your minds are very limited. Use your intuition.”

- Madeleine L'engle, author of Wrinkle in Time


When you sit quietly, by yourself, and listen…what do you hear?

You are a mighty force -


P.S. Some housekeeping: Weekly story circles resume Friday, Sept. 23 (noon-1pm ET). As a reminder, your paid subscription gives you access to one story circle/month (and if you want to attend more, it’s only $15 a pop). They’re a great way to be in community with other amazing women as you practice sharing your story, plus you get heads-down time to write that LinkedIn post/article/pitch email/etc.

P.P.S. Also: I’m now enrolling for fall Story Camp.


Friday reflection


Friday reflection