Friday reflection

The one and only woman

Let’s get right to it this week, friends.

The Quote

“I had always been alone under my mask, the only woman in the room.”

- From the aptly titled novel, The Only Woman in the Room, by Marie Benedict, which is a fictionalized account of the life of glamorous Hollywood star AND SCIENTIST (I had no idea) Hedy Lamarr

The Questions

  • When have you been the only women in the room/club/class/meeting/fill in the blank?

  • How did it feel?

  • What might have shifted if there had been other women in the room?

  • What is one thing you can do to bring more women into the proverbial room?

NOTE: This week’s ponderings are inspired by this post from “Feminist Fight Club” author Jessica Bennett’s newsletter, which my brilliant friend Michele sent to me. In it, Bennett writes about a new book of historical photos called The Only Woman, by author Immy Humes (not to be confused with the novel, “The Only Woman in the Room,” which I reference above!).

You are a mighty force -



Friday reflection


Friday reflection