Friday reflection

Effing go for it

Hi :).

Happy Friday-at-almost-the-end-of-summer (spiritually, if not literally). Here in upstate New York, I swear to god that the leaves are already turning, and the air has been crisp and fall-like. It’s kind of weird, actually, but very welcome.

“Weird, but welcome” — I like that. If you’re weird, you’re welcome here. In fact, you’ll fit riiiiight in.

The Quote

I bought myself a present this week, and it is the bearer of this week’s quote:

I saw it in a shop in Beacon, NY, where I was spending the morning with my daughter, and I couldn’t resist. It has been making me so (effing) happy ever since.

I shared it with the five women who comprise my Mighty Forces braintrust, and asked them, “What is it time for you to effing go for already?” It was powerful to see just how quickly they each knew what their answer was. “Launch my business.” “Set better boundaries at work.” “Send a link to the article I just wrote to my contact at X media company.”

Boom, boom, boom.

You can probably see where this is going….

The Question

  • What is it time for you to effing go for, already?

One more thing: My friend Michele recommends the documentary Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go For It. Given the tie-in to this week’s quote and the fact that it’s a woman’s story, you know I had to mention it.

You are a mighty force.

- Amanda


Friday reflection


Friday reflection