Friday reflection

Loud, louder

A very nice thing happened this week, which is that a woman I’ve never met found an article I wrote a few years ago and shared it on Twitter. This prompted me to revisit the article, titled, To achieve gender equality women need to tell our own stories, which I wrote for Melinda French Gates’s website, And waaaay at the end of the article, I was reminded of this quote I featured from a woman on my “Would like to have as a mentor” list: Bozoma Saint John, former Chief Marketing Officer at Netflix and a supremely mighty force.

The Quote

“None of us will have any impact or influence if we are quiet. So don’t be quiet. Be loud as hell.”

- Bozoma Saint John

Or, as a Radiohead song puts it, “Stop whispering. Start shouting.”

The Questions

  • How do you know when you’re being quiet?

  • What would it take for you to get louder?

I’m here to listen.


Friday reflection


Friday reflection